X About Square Off
Hi! We’re Michael and Jared, aka Scripta Games. Square Off is our submission to the Ludum Dare 35 game jam. We built it over 72 hours of madness, from April 15-18 2016.
In the game, a smoky disc bounces around on a board. You can deflect the disc by placing three blocks. If the disc hits your goal (colored line at the bottom of the screen), your opponent gets a point! First to 7 points wins.
When you click play, you’ll be paired with another random player. If no one else is playing, try sharing the game with a friend! :)
We built it on entirely open source software: Fedora as our OS of choice, Phaser game framework, p2 for physics, Node.js for multiplayer, lodash utility belt. Sounds were generated with sfxr.
© Copyright Scripta, Inc. 2016